Registration:- Form for the Students,Faculty Members and family members [ PDF].
Cancellation of Registration / No Dues Certificate:- for Faculty Members and students [ PDF]
Performa for submission of thesis [DOC format]
UGC Plaigirism Policy [PDF format]and DTU Plaigirism Policy [PDF format]
Recommend the Book:- ( Form for Recommandation ):- take the print out and submit to the library duly signed by the HOD.
Copy Right Authorization Form:- Copy right holders of Thesis and Dissertations have to submit this form along with the soft and hard copy of the publication to the library. Faculty members may also fill this form who wish to provide their publications to the library. |
All the Venders / Suppliers / Distributors / Publishers who wish to supply the books in the DTU library may registered themselves by submitting a Rs.10/ stamp paper, with two witnesses and duly attested by the Notary Public. ( Performa Affidevit :- PDF Format ). |
No Claim Certificate:- At the End of each financial year, all the Venders / Suppliers / Distributors / Publishers who have supplied the books directely to the DTU library are requested to furnish the certificate. |